Foshan Zhicheng Gas Co., Ltd. is located in Foshan City, Guangdong Province. The company mainly deals in bulk industrial gases, high-purity gases, rare gases, electronic gases, laser gases, etc. At the same time, it provides related gas equipment and engineering installations for various industries. Gas consulting and technical support. In terms of domestic products, the company has 2 cooperative gas production plants in Foshan to ensure the supply and quality...[MORE+]
Main business: bulk industrial gas, high-purity gas, rare gas, electronic gas, laser gas, medical gas, professionally formulating standard gas, mixed gas, ethylene oxide sterilization gas, carbon monoxide standard gas, ultra-high purity helium for various industries , Industrial sulfur hexafluoride, rare gas mixture, industrial welding mixture, industrial-grade high-purity nitrogen, and provide related gas equipment and engineering installation, etc., to provide gas consulting and technical support for various industries.